Sunday, December 20, 2009

Holy Snowcakes Batman!

It snowed 2 feet in Philly, where I am, yesterday. Had to walk 2 miles in it. Ugh. Took this one going to get food.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Holiday Seasons

Tree lighting downtown. Now its finals week. Woohoo!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

UC Archives and Rare Books

The UC Arcives and Rare Books department of the UC Libraries hold over 50,000 linier feet of texts in their collection. The collection, headed by University Archivist Kevin Grace, ranges from the world's smallest book to original illuminated manuscripts to a book bound in human skin. (The News Record / Coulter Loeb)

Poems by Phillis Wheatley, among the collection of the UC Archives and Rare Books, is unique in that its spine and corner bindings are made of human skin. It is unknown who the skin originally came from. The lighter binding is sheep's leather. (The News Record / Coulter Loeb)

The worlds smallest book, as officiated by The Guiness Book of World Records, measuring 0.7mm across. The actual book lies within the circle on the left of the gold plate, and features 3 color illustrations. The small squares are the pages laid out.(The News Record / Coulter Loeb)

Detail from an astronomical book scribed in latin in the UC Archives and Rare Books collection. The text has been eaten through by bookworms over the years. (The News Record / Coulter Loeb)

An ancient hiroglyphic papyrus fragment from Thebes, Egypt in the UC Archives and Rare Books collection. The fragment, one of many, is encased in plexiglass for preservation. (The News Record / Coulter Loeb)

A first edition copy of Charles Dickens' "Bleak House", from March 1852. The UC Rare Books and Archives hold a number of editions of the Bleak House series. (The News Record / Coulter Loeb)

An original illuminated manuscript from the early 2nd millenium. The manuscripts were all hand illustrated and scribed by monks. (The News Record / Coulter Loeb)

Detail of a palm leaf manuscript, which were used in Southeast Asia to record Buddist manuscripts. (The News Record / Coulter Loeb)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Yay update! OH GOD ZOMBIES!

Well, being an editor means I dont get out to shoot as much as I would have other wise, but it also means I get first pick on the really cool stuff.

Alex Gottmann, a freshman Electronic Media student, stumbles for brains during the 2009 UC Zombie Walk Friday, Nov. 13th 2009. (The News Record / Coulter Loeb)

Brett Valls, coordinator of the 2009 UC Zombie Walk, leads the pack in chanting "What do we want!", "Brains!", "When do we want them!", "BRAINS!" Friday, Nov. 13th 2009. (The News Record / Coulter Loeb

Jill Allen, of West Chester, takes a picture with her phone of her children posing with zombies Friday, Nov. 13th 2009. (The News Record / Coulter Loeb)

Chris Long, a freshman Electronic Media student, trys to find work due to the "brain recession" during the 2009 UC Zombie Walk Friday, Nov. 13th 2009. As of publication, Long has not yet found a job willing to pay him in brains. (The News Record / Coulter Loeb)

Alex Gottmann, a freshman Electronic Media student, gets sprayed with Axe Body spray by booth girls at the Axe Body Spray stand outside of the 2009 UC Zombie Walk Friday, Nov. 13th 2009. (The News Record / Coulter Loeb)

The undead, exhausted from their hour long search for brains during the 2009 UC Zombie Walk, take an elevator instead of the stairs in CCM Friday, Nov. 13th 2009. (The News Record / Coulter Loeb)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Another Concert...

Shot a concert on Sigma Sigma Commons.

Got a lot of good pics, and the page ran great.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gearing for the Grind

School has started back up, and so has shooting the The News Record.

Students have started moving in, and the freshman have gotten their first taste of college. I experimented with panoramics a bit the week before school started, but didn't figure out that I should shoot McMicken commons at the solar zenith until there were tents up everywhere for people to hawk their wares at the new students.

So I get to hope and wait for a weekend that there are A) hardly any students on campus, B) good weather and C) a time when I can get out there during the zenith

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Philly at night...

I planned on shooting South St on a Saturday night, but it got rained out.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Philly in the Morning

Explored Philly a bit this morning, took some pictures of people just getting out and of the buildings.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Keeping busy... kinda...

Sam has two bellows for nikon, so I've been shooting macro work a lot lately. Sam started shooting bugs, and I started exploring what I could do to them.

The answer turned out to be burning them.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Chincoteague Island

Went out to the Atlantic with Ellie and a few peeps - still trying to rescue images from her camera.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Back on the East coast

Back in on the East coast for the summer - ran around DC for a while when my mother was in DC for a conference.

I plan on trolling the subway a lot more over the summer.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ads for The News Record

Sean asked me to put together a few shoots for the TNR media guide - still one more to come!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Brother Micah at UC

Brother Micah, an evangelical (some say heretical) street preacher paid his annual visit to UC this week. Our new photographer Justin Tepe and I put together a slideshow of it on the TNR website. Guys freakin crazy.!/index.html

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

HDR and shit.

First attempt playing with HDR - I plan on buying the $100 program when I have the money.

My front lawn at 1am.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Skimpy updates...

Well I made photo editor at The News Record , so I wont have the opportunity to go out and shoot as much as before - I'll mostly be in the office working on other people images.

I plan on continuing to shoot stuff on the side, but I think most of my updates will be text based from now on.

Like this one:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Girl at a game

This little girl was running around the stands at a UC baseball game, playing with the free handouts.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cannabis Legalization March - Downtown Cincinnati

The "Million Marijuana March" hit Cincinnati today, and drew about 150 people to the courthouse in downtown Cincinnati. It certainly beat shooting the Ky. Derby yesterday - there were hippies.

Hippies with their bongos

The cops showed up for a bit, mainly just to check the permits that the people selling pipes and hemp clothing were all in order.

One of the things that the orginizers brought were three 5 ft long megajoints. Here a protestor offers the THC-free joint to cops surveying the crowd.

They took some teamwork to light.

But when the finally got going...

Chris "The Anarchist" Ryan shows off his Yippie (Youth International Party - Y.I.P) pins dating back to the 70s when the movement got started.

This girl was in charge of University of Cincinnati's student involvement with the protest. She's selling THC free pot and hemp papers.